Friday, August 9, 2019

Friday Highlights 8.9.13

Important Dates

Saturday, August 10 - 6th Grade Orientation - Mabelvale Middle 10 a.m.; Raider Back-to-School Bash, 11 a.m.
Monday, August 12 - Record/Work Day 
Tuesday, August 13 - First Day of School and "Dads Take Your Child to School" Event

(For Additional Dates - see LRSD Calendar or



We put together, with the help of supporting departments, a handy flyer for you to share with your parents of commonly asked questions on the first day.  Hope it helps.  It's on the website in the virtual backpack and shared on social media.  

Don't Forget to Encourage Dads to Participate
We have some really cool prizes this year!  

#LRSDConvocation2019 - Lots of Fun, Lots of Fun!

Poore's Excellent Adventures
In preparation for the start of school, Supt. Mike Poore had a marathon visit to 12 sites/departments in 1 day!  He started out with LRSD's transportation site at 7 a.m. before wrapping up with United Way at 5 p.m., Thursday, August 8th.  We'll share more great pictures later .  You can also see pics/videos on our virtual wall -

Here's a clip of what the wall looks like - it's a curated collection of a lot of the great stuff happening at LRSD as shared by YOU!

Congrats Central & Parkview 
Recognized by Niche as 1st and 6th Best Public High Schools, Respectively, in the Little Rock Area!

AAIMS Boot Camp  Participants

LRSD had 35 students attend the 2019 Annual AAIMS Summer Boot Camp. The boot camp was held on UA Little Rock's Campus. Students were exposed to engaging labs, rigorous curriculum, and gained first hand knowledge of how an AP class is structured in order to prepare themselves for this upcoming school year! 

2019 AP Boot Camp                             
# of Students                     School
3                                         Parkview              
1                                         McClellan             
2                                         Hall        
29                                       Central

35                                       Total     

School-Community Partnerships

In the Community...

From Our Friends at the Downtown Partnership

River Market District  
AUG 9: 2nd Friday Art Night - Drain Smart Art, Drain Smart, Friends of Fourche Creek, The Galleries at Library Square, Room 124, 401 President Clinton Avenue, 5:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. Learn more.
AUG 10: The 6th Annual Vanapalooza, The Van, The Rev Room, 300 President Clinton Avenue, 7:30 p.m.-11:59 p.m. Learn more.
AUG 10: Trae Crowder Live! with Drew Morgan and Corey Ryan Forrester, CALS, Ron Robinson Theater, 100 River Market Avenue, 8:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. Learn more.
AUG 15: Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, CALS, Ron Robinson Theater, 100 River Market Avenue, 7:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. Learn more.
AUG 22-25: FILMLAND - featuring Toy Story 4 and Andrew Stanton, Stranger Things 3, and more
, Arkansas Cinema Society, Ron Robinson Theater, 100 River Market Avenue, times vary by screening. Learn more. 
SEP 14: Tinkerfest 2019, Museum of Discovery, 500 President Clinton Avenue, Suite 150, 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Learn more.
Ongoing through SEP 28: Little Rock Farmers Market, Little Rock River Market, 400 President Clinton Avenue, every Saturday, 7:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Learn more.
Ongoing: 2nd Friday Art Night, various locations, every second Friday, 5:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. Learn more. 

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