Friday, September 27, 2019

Friday Highlights 9.27.19

Important Dates
October is: 

National Adopt a Shelter Dog Month
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
National Domestic Violence Awareness Month
Head Start Awareness Month
National ADD/ADHD Awareness Month

Monday, September 30, Superintendent’s Citation Program,
 LRSD Boardroom, 5:30 p.m.

Wednesday, October 2, School Custodian Appreciation Day
Thursday, October 3, Registration Deadline for November SAT
Saturday, October 5, SAT Test

Monday – Wednesday, October 7-9, LRSD Check Us Out Tours, All Schools
Thursday, October 10, Parent Conference Day 1, After School – 3 hours
Thursday, October 10, End of 1st Quarter
Friday, October 11, Parent Conference Day 2
 (Elementary 8 am – noon, Secondary: 9 am – 1 pm)
Friday, October 11, Grandparents Day Luncheon for Winners
Saturday, October 12, LRSD Magnet Fair at Park Plaza

(For Additional Dates - see LRSD Calendar or

This week, we paid homage to the nine courageous students who helped integrate Central High School.  Today, Central is one of the most diverse campuses with students from more than 30 countries, who come from homes where more than 20 languages are spoken.
  Thank you for opening doors, Little Rock Nine!

Great News!
LRSD was named one of the top workplaces in Arkansas for 2018, according to
Zippia officials say the rankings are based on the collection of data, diversity in the workplace, and pay, to name a few.

LRSD placed 10th out of the top 20 in the city and 36th out of 100 in the state.


LRSD partnered with the City of Little Rock to pilot a new program aimed at “Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies” (PATHS). This is a new social and emotional learning program which includes developing self-awareness, social awareness, relationship skill, and responsible-decision making.  Three schools are participating:  Meadowcliff, Brady, and Stephens.

LRSD College Night a Big Hit!


Hundreds of students, along with parents, counselors and financial aid professionals, participated in the 45th Annual College Night.  This event allowed students to visit with recruiters from nearly 100 colleges/universities. Coordinator Lequieta Grayson said this event provides one-stop shopping for those planning for their future.

Story Time with Pastors

Wakefield Elementary staff and students recently welcomed the Story Time with Pastors group. This was the group's first visit this school year and they were warmly welcomed by Wakefield  Girl Scouts. The Story Time with Pastors effort allows pastors from Central Arkansas to support local schools and children through reading.

Henderson Middle School Mentor/Mentee Mixer

Volunteers from Mt. Zion and Calvary Baptist Churches visited Henderson Middle School to mentor sixth grade young men.  This first visit by the “Zionalvary” group was a meet-and-greet for the members to become acquainted. The group plans to meet weekly during lunch to promote leadership and support success for the students.

Forest Park Elementary Hosts Patriotic Tribute

Forest Park Elementary students and staff hosted an assembly featuring special guests Lieutenant Governor Tim Griffin, City of Little Rock Mayor Frank Scott, LRSD Superintendent Mike Poore and Battalion Chief Bryan Adkins.  The fourth and fifth graders performed patriotic songs and LR Central High's Color guard presented the flags.

New Grandparents Day Winners Lunch Date - Friday, October 11th  
(Above Photo from 2018) Reminder - Grandparents' Luncheon has been moved to October 11th!  

In the Community…

DIP, SIP, REPEAT at the 9th Annual World Cheese Dip Championship, Saturday, October 5th from noon to 4 p.m. on the grounds of the Clinton Presidential Center (1200 President Clinton Ave, Little Rock, AR 72201). Make your taste buds heard and vote to help crown the World Cheese Dip Champions.
All proceeds benefit Harmony Health Clinic. HHC provides free medical and dental services to the uninsured in Pulaski County. For more information, visit
Pre-sale tickets are $10 online ($15 at the gate) and children 5 and under are FREE. Military Veterans, Active Military, Law Enforcement and EMT $8 with valid ID.
Entry fee includes chips provided by On The Border and cheese dip samples from our contestants. Water, beverages and hot dogs will be for sale and will benefit Harmony Health Clinic.

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